Feeling Comfortable at highest level
Since 30 years I do have the privilege to serve customers in beauty matters. The best and most sustainable way to be successfull is, if a human being is in perfect harmony with nature and himself.
“Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us, or we find it not.” Essay: Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882), US-american Chaplan and Philosopher`
With CULUMNATURA® I did find a partner who developed the secrets and gifts of nature into a sustainable biological product-line covering skin, hair and coloring schemes. The products of CULUMNATURA® are thorougly based on bio-certified NATUREcosmetics.
Your visit shall feel like a wellness session for you – feel completely contended! You will receive very personal and individual consultancy, reserving ample time for you to realise your vision.
People change over lifetime and it is my absolute goal to reflect the change on your appearance in a harmonic way, giving you a feeling of confidence regarding your own taste and style.
Continuing education on new trends and techniques with international background ensure you, to be consulted and treated state-of-the-art!