Wine tasting with Ugo Lequio, Neive-Piedmont
Saturday, 06.05.2017, 11am – 4pm, Leihgasse 4, 6340 Baar
This is the guiding philosophy of Ugo Lequio, a boutique producer who strives to strike a delicate balance between tradition and innovation and has made this his most important contribution to Piedmont’s wine culture.
Starting in the early 1980s, Ugo released his first bottles of wine following rigorous fruit selection from the six-hectare Cascina Nuova vineyard. This historic property is located on the sun-drenched Gallina Hill that was once part of the `Neive Conti Riccardi Candiani patrimony` and now belongs to the `Marcarino` family.
Years later, thanks to experience and experimentation in both, the vineyard and the winery, Ugo Lequio has emerged as one of the protagonist of the revolutionary shift that proses quality wine over quantity.
His personal conviction is that class and elegance are tangible in a great wines only, if wine is given sufficient time and in a stress-free atmosphere, to evolve. For this reason, Ugo insists on giving his wines a long and deserved rest before they are released.
To complete the tasting, the Prosecco`s and Barolo`s from Fontanafredda will be available, too.
Please communicate your participation via:
https://chezmoi-coiffeur.ch/ (Contacts) or

WineTasting by Andrea D’Alessio, Fontanafredda: Saturday, 03.10.2015, 10:00 – 16:00 Uhr, Leihgasse 4, 6340 Baar
Fontanafredda lays in the heart of Barolo, Piedmont and was built by the later king of Italy, Emanuele Vittorio. He built the estate for his `maitresse` `Contessa Rosa`. Today, under the umbrella of Fontanafredda, there are 14 different vineyards with the likes of Mirafiori, Borgogno, and so on!
For the wine friends of Chez moi and Roland Kägi, we will be featuring a wine tasting, by invitation, only! We do aim at filling our cellars with some fine wines by directly importing a full palette consisting of 600 bottles, thus eliminating any importers or dealers.
If you are interested, please use either the contact page on Chez moi or just reply by email to [email protected]
Also visit: http://www.fontanafredda.it/web/en/home/
Featured Wines: Fontanafredda_Wine_Selection.pdf

Cut & Shoot March 2015 Walter Linke, a Pro-Photographer offered its services to shoot pictures of customers with their families. After enjoying a thorough styling by Gertrud – hair, makeup and manicure – they just changed over to Walter for a great photo set.

Christmas Event 2014 Together with Seidenmann (Zurich), ZakWatch (Luzern), 4DWohnraum and Xelona Olive Oil (Baar) Chez moi offered its friends from 08.11. to 24.12.2014 an inspiring Christmas display.

The making of Chez moi Gertrud`s new salon was built back in March 2014. A team of friends & family were working hard over 5 weekend`s to transform the old school-rooms into the `bijou` you feel comfortable today!!